Written by a survivor of mind control and ritual abuse who is also a therapist, this memoir exposes the existence and practices of organized criminal groups who abuse children, helps the survivors of those abuses, and provides important information for professionals about the dissociative brain. The author's poetic prose contrasts distinctly with the horror of the subject matter.Wendy Hoffman's adult self journeys back to give voice to the infant and child parts of her, describing her handlers' early interventions to destroy bonding and create dissociation, the foundation of reverse-Kabbalah suicide and pathway programming, and the installation of mind control. Scenes from ordinary life are interspersed throughout the memoir. Nazi post-war recruitment of American subjects during the 1940s and 50s (including the infamous Dr. Mengele), children used for prostitution, pornography, and the drug trade along with the workings of the Illuminati leadership and their international Feast of the Beast rituals are all included.The memoir also covers attempts at recovery, experiences with cult therapists in disguise, and finally the author's work with an honest, competent therapist, which led to healing and her brain melding together. The ending acknowledges spiritual experiences, the power of love, the memory process, and thoughts on living and surviving a life such as hers.
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