Over 600 paperback pages of Reflection!
★For fans of The Hunger Games and XMen - and who also enjoy original storylines!★
From the New York Times bestselling author of A Terrible Love, comes a dark fantasy paranormal romance boxed set containing the first three novels in The Reflection Series.
Praise for REFLECTION:
" ...This story has an amazing storyline that completely draws you into. You cannot help falling in love with the characters and feeling all of their emotions as if they were you. This story sucks you in and I couldn't put it down until the end. I cannot wait for the next book..!" - Sarah
Those born Reflective are the only beings with the ability to jump between worlds. With The Cause firmly entrenched by years of highly stylized military-type training in combat of every kind, they use their natural born ability for inter-dimensional travel to police worlds where wrongdoing has overtaken civility.
Jeb Merrick finds himself partnered with a rare female Reflective. When they are thrust together as partners, Merrick vows that she will receive the same neutral treatment as a male.
Beth discovers she is partnered with the cockiest of all pureblood Reflectives and struggles to maintain her composure with a hostile partner whose loyalty she doesn't possess.
Can the Reflectives uphold The Cause, reach a point of compromise and find their chosen soulmates?
Beth Jasper, a rare female warrior Reflective, has escaped the brutality of Sector One, only to discover that Reflective Ryan has reshaped her home world of Papilio into chaos.
Her soul mate has been revealed, yet another fills her mind. Beth cannot forget Slade, the prince of the Bloodlings. Their tie is undeniable.
Will the dissenting Reflectives find a way to exterminate the one threat to their plans of absolute control over the thirteen sectors? Can Beth, along with Jeb Merrick, save her world and uphold The Cause?
Reflective Beth Jasper flees Sector One, intending to return Jacky and Maddie to Three, only to find she's bent time during the jump—with Reflective Ryan in tow.
In a bid to locate Beth, then rescue Commander Rachett from certain torture by Nightlopers—Reflectives Merrick and Jasper, along with Slade, the Bloodling Prince—jump from Three.
When a tragedy occurs during the jump, Beth is separated from her party and finds herself at the mercy of an unheard of group from Sector Thirteen. The First Species.
Beth's choice becomes a dire one, the only imperative she can control.
Can destiny control her choices - or will fate manipulate Beth's life, regardless of her will?
New Adult Fiction, 17+ audience.