The Doctor, Alice, and the Sapling – now growing further into adulthood – take on a new wave of insane adventures! Still missing many of their most treasured memories, the TARDIS team stumble across a Memory Ark, and their reality starts to fray further at the edges... Then, can the Doctor and Alice stop the Sapling from growing into the genocidal creature of destruction it may be doomed to be?Veteran Who writers George Mann (Supremacy of the Cybermen, Warhammer 40,000), and James Peaty (Supergirl, Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor), join with incredible artists I.N.J. Culbard (Wild's End), Ivan Rodriguez (Supremacy of the Cybermen) and Wellington Diaz (Nova) to explore the Eleventh Doctor's Year Three comics adventues! Collects Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor #3.5 - #3.8
Doctor Who, the Daleks, the Cybermen, TARDIS and all other characters and logos are trade marks of the BBC and are used under licence unless otherwise indicated.