"I do not know how to kill." "Then you must learn. You must learn."Michael Moorcock's powerful, award-winning fantasy begins.Prince Corum Jhaelen ("the Prince in the Scarlet Robe") embarks on an epic journey of fate and vengeance through all 15 plans of Earth, even to the very center of Time – the still, blue city of Tanelorn. Corum, a reluctant champion, must confront the Gods of Chaos in order to save the world he treasures and the woman he loves.Hellboy creator and artist, Mike Mignola and Eisner award-winning writer Mike Baron bring Michael Moorcock's timeless story of order versus chaos to vivid life. Acclaimed writer Ron Marz (Green Lantern, Silver Surfer, Superman) contributes an exclusive introduction.
Adapted from the works of Michael Moorcock related to the character of Corum © 2017, Michael and Linda Moorcock. All characters, the distinctive likenesses thereof, and all related indicia are TM and © Michael Moorcock and Multiverse Inc. The Chronicles of Corum: The Knight of the Swords graphic novel is copyright © 1986, First Publishing, Inc. and Star*Reach Productions. All rights reserved.