Universo es una enciclopedia llena de impactantes fotografías, información contrastada y explicaciones claras que te ayudarán comprender de manera fácil y visual todo lo relativo al universo y a los elementos y cuerpos que lo forman, como las estrellas, los planetas, los agujeros negros o las nebulosas.
Esta enciclopedia del espacio, incluye:
Con explicaciones de los conceptos básicos de la astronomía, un análisis del Sistema Solar y las galaxias, y una guía del cielo nocturno, esta enciclopedia escrita por expertos en cosmología es el regalo perfecto para los amantes de esta ciencia.
Marvel at the wonders of the universe, from stars and planets to black holes and nebulae, in this exploration of our solar system and beyond.
Universe opens with a look at astronomy and the history of the Universe, using 3D artworks to provide a comprehensive grounding in the fundamental concepts of astronomy, including the basic techniques of practical astronomy.
The core of the book is a tour of the cosmos covering the Solar System, the Milky Way, and galaxies beyond our own. Explanatory pages introduce different celestial phenomena, such as galaxies, and are followed by catalogs that profile the most interesting and important examples.
A comprehensive star atlas completes the picture, with entries on each of the 88 constellations and a monthly sky guide showing the night sky as it appears throughout the year as viewed from both the northern and southern hemispheres