J. Krishnamurti talks about Darwin and the theory of evolution. He says that this seems to be the wrong thing psychologically - totally untrue. Dr Bohm argues that Darwin has given evidence that it's true - and that clearly there has been a process of evolution. J. Krishnamurti points out that the mind does not evolve with the brain - they are separate. 'The mind 'not being of time and the brain being of time - is that the origin of conflict?' he asks. The brain has evolved and time has become part of it. The mind, on the other hand, operates without time. God can only operate if the brain is quiet - if the brain is not caught in time. Can the brain itself see that it is caught in time? Has it the capacity to see that what it is doing means there is no end to conflict; that long as that is the case conflict is eternal. Will it realise this under pressure? Certainly not. Will it realise it under coercion? Certainly not. So what will make it realise this? Drugs? certainly not. Some kind of chemical? No. These outward pressures won't work. The brain resists such a realisation - because it's used to doing that and has been for centuries. If you could make the brain realise this fact all conflict is finished. People have tried going away by themselves; they've tried everything man has invented but none has succeeded because these are all outward things. Success means completely denying all of that - deny the very notion of time, looking forward to the future. We must move away from everything man has put together as a means of timelessness.
ABOUTJ. Krishnamurti
Jiddu Krishnamurti (May 12, 1895–February 17, 1986) was a world renowned writer and speaker on philosophical and spiritual subjects. His subject matter included: the purpose of meditation, human relationships, the nature of the mind, and how to enact positive change in global society.
Krishnamurti was born into a Telugu Brahmin family in what was then colonial India. In early adolescence, he had a chance encounter with prominent occultist and high-ranking theosophist C.W. Leadbeater in the grounds of the Theosophical Society headquarters at Adyar in Madras (now Chennai). He was subsequently raised under the tutelage of Annie Besant and C.W. Leadbeater, leaders of the Society at the time, who believed him to be a "vehicle" for an expected World Teacher. As a young man, he disavowed this idea and dissolved the world-wide organization (the Order of the Star) established to support it. He claimed allegiance to no nationality, caste, religion, or philosophy, and spent the rest of his life traveling the world as an individual speaker, speaking to large and small groups, as well as with interested individuals. He authored a number of books, among them The First and Last Freedom, The Only Revolution, and Krishnamurti's Notebook. In addition, a large collection of his talks and discussions have been published. At age 90, he addressed the United Nations on the subject of peace and awareness, and was awarded the 1984 UN Peace Medal. His last public talk was in Madras, India, in January 1986, a month before his death at home in Ojai, California.
His supporters, working through several non-profit foundations, oversee a number of independent schools centered on his views on education – in India, England and the United States – and continue to transcribe and distribute many of his thousands of talks, group and individual discussions, and other writings, publishing them in a variety of formats including print, audio, video and digital formats as well as online, in many languages.