This 2-in-1 book shows you how to play the chromatic harmonica and how to create music in any key using the chromatic slide button. Marcos teaches you to play the major scales, sharps and flats. Learn where all the easy BLUES jams are and jam BLUES instantly.
THE BOOKS by Marcos
The most comprehensive, Easy to learn Step by Step common sense approach harmonica method on the market today. Learn the universally known and accepted "Arrow System" playing easy simple songs. You don't need to read music to start playing songs. Both "How To Play Harmonica Instantly" and "How To Play Chromatic Harmonica Instantly" contain lessons, songs and harmonica history that lead you to a great learning experience in mastering the Harmonica. Each book contains 64 "8 1/2 x 11" pages with meaningful illustrations, lessons and songs! For the musician who is looking to expand their musical horizons Marcos has
provided 2 additional books How To Play Guitar Instantly and How To Play
Keyboards and Piano Instantly
You get the best books ever written. Read the book, see the illustration
and hear all the samples on the DVD. Best to order both The Book and
DVD for the 3 dimensional process of learning "READ-SEE-HEAR".