Elementary Tagalog's comprehensive approach will help students master Tagalog, the language of the Philippines—also known as Filipino or Pilipino. From learning to read Tagalog words and pronounce sounds to using correct Tagalog grammar and building vocabulary, learners will be surprised at how quickly their skills develop. The expert guidance in Elementary Tagalog is ideal both for true beginners and heritage learners who grew up in Filipino-speaking communities or families. The accompanying 2-hour long downloadable audio improves listening comprehension and ensures correct pronunciation.
Covering a range of topics, the Tagalog language lessons center on themes of the family, the home, and the community—including food, travel, health, leisure time, festivals, and popular culture. There are plenty of exercises, activities, and practice drills to help learners acquire and master Tagalog language fundamentals, while culture notes explore the diversity, heritage, and history of the Philippines.
Elementary Tagalog is composed of twenty-four lessons divided into eight units. Each lesson contains: